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WCCYM Discipleship

Currently our main focus for small groups is through our discipleship initiative, WCCYM Discipleship. This is for anyone in secondary school to come along to find out more about who Jesus is in aged based discussion groups. We gather once every other week (approximately) on a Friday evening in Comberton Baptist Church at 6.30pm for some dessert (so eat before you come), simple games and a short talk, before we break into smaller age-based discussion groups with the evening finishing at about 8.30pm. The dates for this term are:

7th February
28th February
14th March
28th March

Other Small Groups currently running:

Small Groups

Throughout the year we run various small groups with different focuses and purposes. Many of these are interest based so you can meet likeminded young people and share with them your interests. There are three ways to find out about any new groups we are running – 1) check back here; 2) email to find out if their are any in the pipeline; or 3) follow us on social media for regular news and updates.

Previous small groups have included Board Games, Social Media, Dungeons & Dragons, Sport, Craft and Online Gaming. If there is anything you would particularly want us to look at, get in touch through our socials. You will also be able to find out when we are running new groups too.

We also run a selection of small groups that are more themed around a topic than an activity. This includes Kintsugi Hope – a group exploring mental health; Illuminate – an opportunity for young people to explore the Christian faith further; and our Baptism and Confirmation Course – for Christian young people looking to proclaim their faith boldly. We will update here with more details about these groups when we have them, but don’t forget to check our socials for even more details.